Friday, January 8, 2010

Starting New Hobbies

So a few months ago we moved into a new ward and the RS asked me what some of my hobbies are. I realized that I don't have many hobbies so I took up painting. This is something that I have always wanted to do but I am not good at all. I told my sister Astyn that I would post pictures of my first two paintings. These are just Acrylic paints so it is really cheap top do. I did not know that you could use acrylic paints until I got on the internet and watched this clip of an artist who only uses acrylic paints. If you are looking for a new hobbies I highly recommend painting!

I made this one for Mercedes room.

This one looks really dark in the picture and I am not sure why?


Meg said...

Brittney! Those are so good! I love the one for Mercedes room.

Astyn said...

Love it Brittney!! Hmmm...maybe I should create some art for the kids room. Did you use a guide of some sort? Or did they just come from your brain?

Much love.

Caleb, Shannyn, and Clark Weiler said...

Hey, did you free paint these? They look complex to me. These are awesome. Call me!!!!!
Love you