Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Rachel's Birthday

Today is Rachel's birthday! We got up early to make her breakfast and blew up a lot of balloons. I think Mercedes thought they were for her. We spent half hour this morning just running through them.

Here is the birthday girl!

I tried out my cake decorating skills on Rachel

Mercedes loved eating the scraps.


Meg said...

Cute cake idea! Very appropriate :)

Astyn said...

Cute cake. Emery thinks it is the number 7, but I told him it was a shoe.

Unknown said...

Thanks for making her feel special on her special day!

Rach said...

best 23rd ever! :)

Caleb, Shannyn, and Clark Weiler said...

Hey, I haven't looked at your blog for some time and I was so suprised!!!!! I loved the family pictures. You look great Brit. Also, the picture of Mercedes eating the cake looks just like you. Clark is obsessed with watching the video of Mercedes.
Love shan