Monday, November 2, 2009

Haloween and More

Here are more pictures from Halloween. As you can see I am a beautiful flower and Mercedes is my cute little bee. Please notice the high quality and great craftsmanship of my costume.

Here is Mercedes very happy to go to church

We recently bought her a coat and she is way to small for it right now. Don't worry she will grow into it by the end of december.

These are some pictures that I have been wanting to post. These were taken when she was just a week old. My favorite one is not up here but these are still cute.

Look how cute she is even on her way to bed.


Astyn said...

So cute brittney. I love the pink coat...awesome.

Meg said...

Fun costumes! The Jolley pics turned out really cute!

Rach said...

oh my gosh... is this a blog post I see?!?!? It's almost too good to be true! haha :) anyway, you guys are cuties!

Mandy Stephens said...

Love the costumes! You guys are so cute. I can't wait to watch her at the game tomorrow!!!!!!

Caleb, Shannyn, and Clark Weiler said...

Hey your blog is lookin so cute. You are becoming such a blogger. She looks so much like you. I thought the costume ideas were great.

Amy said...

I love the pictures of her as a newborn! Those are so cute! You'll have to post the one that is your favorite! We are coming out for Christmas so I hope you are staying in Utah too! We really want to meet beautiful Mercedes!

Christy and Tyson said...

She is getting so big and beautiful already, Brittney! I love, love the picture of her wrapped up in a bed. How cute!