Wednesday, December 2, 2009

What a Nasty Bug

So yesterday was a very exciting day. I spent the entire day sleeping or kneeling over the porcelain princess. I think that I picked up the 24 hour flu from a patient at work and was lucky enough to bring it home with me. Luckily Sandy came and spent the entire day with Mercedes so I could sleep. A few hours after Sandy left however Mercedes started to throw up too. She woke up every 20 min last night until about 1. She finally slept and seems relatively happy this morning except for the explosive diarrhea. Well on a happier note Mercedes got to celebrate Christmas early this year. Steve and Sandy gave Mercedes her Christmas present on Thanksgiving because we will not be around on Christmas day. She got a jumper! It was so fun to help her open it but as you can see from the pictures she was just as excited about the bow as she was the jumper. I love that children are so easy to please!

Here she is enjoying such a bright and colorful bow!

The box was bigger than her so we just put her on top.

Look at this really girly pose.


Amy said...

Seriously?! You aren't going to be in Utah for Christmas?! That is when I'm coming out to Utah! Dang! We wanted to meet Mercedes so bad! You'll have to let us know what day you get back because we will be in Utah for 13 days. :) Love the pictures though! She is adorable!!

Meg said...

Oh man Brittney that sounds awful- glad you guys are feeling better.

And aren't those jumpers AWESOME?! Gosh I think that was one of Madeleine's favorite toys ever.

katherine said...

you guys, she is so cute! it's fun how i can see parts of both of you in her. i can even tell she and madeleine are cousins. so fun.

Astyn said...

Yuck....I hope you are feeling better. How nice that you had some family near by to help out. Much love. Mercedes is such a cutie!

Tabitha said...

WOW! That all sounds very intense! It reminds me of my ICU experience when I had a patient doing those things without any sort of containment. Not good!

Caleb, Shannyn, and Clark Weiler said...

Hey, she is chunkin up! What a cutie. We are so excited to see you. I can't believe that I haven't seen you in 7 months.